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Reģistrēties Aizmirsu paroli!
bigijs dienasgrāmata
 Pirmdiena 11-09-2006 10:50 7  35

Hey, today I`ve come up with a good idea ..... ;) .. isn`t that great when you can write your diary and at the same time learn a little bit of foreign language? ... :)))))))) ....... yhea ..... you`re right!!!! .... that`s a great idea!! ... he, he, he .....

I`ve heard a lot about people`s attitude to themselves and how it can change their lives. And it`s amazing! But unfortunately just few know about that.... :(( ..... and imagination plays here a major role. Yes, that same old imagination! .....

By the way, did you know that the imagination is far more important than knowledge?????????? .... :)))))))


Nesen dzirdēju interesantu...
citi ieraksti bigijs d-grāmatā (~9)
skruvite: I agree...;)
2006-09-11 11:19
bigijs: hm .... I`m glad .... ;))))))
2006-09-11 11:26
skruvite: It`s nice that we have a common opinion...;)
[ak,Dies,cik sen nav rakstīts angliski,laikam viss uzrakstīts šķērsām...;DDDD]
2006-09-11 11:40
biguce1: And you realaise just now???? (I mean about language)
About imagination and knowledge, it debatable question!!!
2006-09-11 11:51
bigijs: skruvite--> [Nop, viss ir uzrakstīts pa riktīgo] .... ;)))
biguce1--> it`s not an arguable question ... ;)))) ... . that`s already known a long time ago that imagination is a king among other qualities. The next comes persistence .... xi, xi,xi ......
2006-09-11 12:57
patiparsevi: Well, I laso agree about the imagination thing and it`s great to read smth in English here, fascinating even! ;) :))
2006-09-24 18:30
patiparsevi: ups! sorry it`s - also :)))
2006-09-24 18:33
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